Fenelon Falls: A Chosen Destination for Locals & Visitors
Discover what Fenelon Falls has to offer
Tourism Office
15 Oak Street, Fenelon Falls
Free WiFi, Outdoor Games, Public Washroom and Tourism Information
Discover the endless antiquing in Fenelon Falls by checking out Red Rock Antiques , Fenelon Marketplace, Beehive Market, Main Street Market , or Treasures by the Locks .
Ride the trails in Fenelon Falls! Kawartha ATV Association maintains over 250 km of trails in the Kawartha Lakes for all levels of riders! There are trails for the beginner rider looking for an easy trail for sight-seeing to the more advanced rider looking for technical trails including mudholes and rock faces.
The Victoria Rail Trail offers scenic views of Cameron Lake in Fenelon Falls, the perfect way to utilize the Fenelon Falls Bikeshare!
Learn more about bike rentals here
Garnet Graham Beach Park
Located at 98 Francis Street W, find the Splash Pad, Playground, Beach Volleyball court, a Sand beach, and a Public Washroom!
The Grove Theatre
Be transported in to the magic of The Grove Theatre! Experience live musical performances and theatre in the outdoor amphitheatre!
Get Tickets: https://www.grovetheatre.ca/
Maryboro Lodge: The Fenelon Museum
Maryboro Lodge is a volunteer-managed community museum, offering programs for all ages, hosting special events, and maintaining a local history archive.
Open 10-5
Weekends and Holidays from May 20 to June 23
Daily from June 24 to September 4
Weekends and Holidays from September 9 to October 9
Get out on the water by canoeing, kayaking or even paddle boarding on either Sturgeon or Cameron Lake!
Paddling Routes: Explore Kawartha Lakes
Kayak Tours: Cottage Country Kayak Tours
Trent Severn Waterway - Lock 34
Fenelon Falls is home to Lock 34 on the Trent Severn Waterway, hundreds of boaters use the navigational system to travel from Lake Ontario in to the Georgian Bay.
Operating seasonally from mid May until Thanksgiving Weekend.
Fenelon Falls is a village located in Kawartha Lakes
Popularly known as the “Jewel of the Kawarthas”, Filled with unique shops, dining experiences, landmarks and outdoor activities; this picturesque village has offered something for everyone over the past several years. So, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and tourism trends began to shift, this quaint village faced an unprecedented challenge: “How to become the chosen destination for visitors, offering a safe tourism experience in any given environment?”.
Check out the Explore Fenelon Falls tourist guide to discover the latest events, shopping, dining, accommodations and attractions throughout the area, and then use the Waterways guide to learn relevant information about the different locks, marinas and events along of the Trent-Severn Waterway.