20 Minute Community Clean-Ups

Get together with your neighbours, community group, sports team or family to do a clean-up anytime during Earth Week (April 16 to 22). The municipality will provide clear garbage bags and gloves to participants. Groups or individuals planning a 20-Minute Community Clean Up can register online or in person at any Municipal Service Centre. 

The municipality will consult with each group to determine the best method of waste disposal. Tipping fees will be waived for any registered participant that chooses to dump their group's collected garbage at one of our landfills (a letter with permission to do so will be provided).

If you have any questions or need more information, contact our Customer Service team at 705-324-9411, or email issues@kawarthalakes.ca.


Ask the Coach - Spring Cleaning


Greetings from the Kawartha Field Naturalists!