Local Team Takes Part in CIBC Run for the Cure

Submitted by Patricia Goode Zahorec

On Sunday October 4th the Pink WR Crawler Team took part in the CIBC Run for the Cure for the 16th year in a row.

This year was a very unusual and challenging year for us all due to covid-19 and social distancing. The regular run was cancelled and in its place there was a virtual event. Our little team of 10 ladies decided to continue to participate by doing the run in our little hamlet of Rosedale.

I am very proud of our team; everyone pulled together and encouraged donors to help us in our cause and were able to raise over $5,000 and win the Women’s Challenge Award for the 14th year.

Neighbours along the way come out to cheer us on and make lots of noise for the team.

This would not be possible without the continued help of family, businesses, and friends who donated this year.

Thank to all of our sponsors and wonderful team members and friends.

Patricia Goode Zahorec

Proud Team Captain, Pink WR Crawlers.


Photo Round Up - October 29th, 2020


Featured Photo - Tree Frog