Our Community Speaks - What We're Thankful For

We asked our community to write in and let us know what they are most thankful for this year, ahead of Thanksgiving weekend. Here’s what we received. The Town Crier team is thankful for you, our readers, who check your emails each week to see what’s new in Fenelon Falls.

“This year I am particularly thankful for the Fenelon small business community - its like belonging to an especially supportive network of people who are all weathering this storm together, and who understand the unique struggles and challenges this year has brought. My fellow business owners in town never hesitate to go the extra mile to support each other here in Fenelon Falls, and I’m grateful to be a part of it!”

— Dana Deathe, aka The Book Lady

“Country Cupboard is thankful for the attitudes of our customers through this intense and unpredictable year. They have been extra friendly, generous, patient, adaptable, and compassionate. Super extra big giant thank you to each and every one of you!”

— Julia Taylor

“Dear Valued Customers,

Thank you for all of your kind words of support as we navigate through these different times.

We are very proud to be serving you in your Community.

Thanks you from your friends at Sobeys Fenelon Falls!”

— Mark Knoester


“Here is my submission for your "what I'm thankful for" article. My son, Grayson, was born June 23, 2020, and although having a baby during a global pandemic hasn't been easy, we've made the best of the time together as a family with our circle! Summer flew by, but we are trying to savour every minute of fall.”

— Morgan McConnell



“The past 7 months have been a true testament to the strength of our community.

We are thankful for the continued patience and support from our patrons. You brighten each day with your positivity and thoughtfulness whether we see you in the grocery store, at a local business, or a friendly wave while you are driving by.

We are thankful for our fellow business owners who have persevered and worked so hard to ensure that our community continues to thrive. It really does take a Village.

We are thankful for our incredible staff who have been so strong through this pandemic. Thank you for all of your hard work and encouragement. The Cow and Sow would not be The Cow and Sow without all of you!”

— The Cow and Sow



Featured Photo - Sunset on the Lake


Photo Round Up - October 8th, 2020