Curious' Newest Campaign

Submitted by Curious?

The Curious Tree of Hope!

Curious has decorated over the top this year to give our community some Holiday sparkle. Many of us need a little boost this year to find the Christmas spirit as 2020 has tested us in ways we never expected. It has been made crystal clear just how important our human connections are. Our physical contact with family, friends and even strangers is an integral part of who we are and without it many of us are struggling.  But we are striving to discover new ways to connect, through energy, random acts of kindness and offering encouragement wherever we can. 

Curious has created a Tree of Hope dedicated to all of you. We encourage everyone to come in and leave a memory, feeling, message of hope or encouragement, a wish for the future or a sadness they wish to leave behind. Bring us your hopes, dreams and wishes and we will add them to our tree and together our combined energy can spread hope, love and compassion to those around us.  Messages can be sent by email or messenger if you can’t make it to the store.  We’ve received messages from far and wide, including Australia, so add yours and spread some holiday cheer.


History Repeats


New Ownership after Two and a Half Decades