Big news from Curious?

Submitted by Anne Kulmala

Well folks, big changes are coming for Curious? It is a time of enormous change in the way we live and do business, the way we interact with one another, the way we shop and consume goods, and the way we identify with our community. This virus has forced us all to dig deep and take a hard look at what is most important in our lives, what our purpose is and how we want to be moving forward. We will move forward. Things will be different when we emerge from our isolation cocoons and it is my fervent hope that the changes we make as humans living on this beautiful playground we call Earth will be beneficial for us all. I am encouraged by so many who have stepped up and offered whatever they have to give to those in need, be it delivering groceries, making masks, helping out neighbours, or simply offering words of encouragement and hope to those around us. 

One of the things I have focused on is to make changes to my business. Curious? now has an online store where you can purchase many of our unique products. Visit us online at which is now live with most of our fibre and fibre arts supplies already listed. The products available on line will grow as we begin to bring in more items for the coming season, and you can always contact us through Facebook or Instagram for more information or to purchase any products not already listed on the website.

But the big news is that when we all come out the other side of this pandemic, Curious? will be in a new location. We are moving shop to 17 May Street; a brand new location, a brand new look and some exhilarating new ideas for our future. “Briscuit the Moose” is overseeing the packing and preparation as we await notice that our new space is ready. He's great company, not very chatty but always available when the job feels overwhelming and I need a hug. No social distancing there! We are excited to be able to offer our customers a unique, new experience once we reopen. As to when that might be… we will just have to wait and see. Keep an eye on our social media and announcements. Once we get the “all clear” there’s going to be a party at our place and you’re all invited!

In the meantime we wish all of you health and well-being until we awaken from our cocoons and emerge into a new world together. Be well.


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