Calling All Local Businesses

Submitted by Marylee Boston

These are challenging times for business owners large and small and the Fenelon Falls Chamber of Commerce wants to hear from you! Time is of the essence as we prepare for the launch of the KL Economic Recovery Taskforce. The Chamber of Commerce is reaching out beyond our membership to make sure all local businesses have a voice. We want to hear from:

  • Home-based businesses

  • Manufacturers

  • Farmers

  • Retail

  • Health care

  • Food services

  • Construction

  • Accommodations

  • Artists/Artisans

  • Hair stylists

  • Estheticians

  • Massage therapists

  • Tourism

  • Marinas

This list is not comprehensive and every business is an integral part of our local economy so your voice is extremely important. We will be reaching out in the near future to hear your perspective on what economic recovery looks like for your business and the community of Fenelon Falls. Stay connected with this initiative by contacting us at to be added to the mailing list. Please share this with your friends and family who own a business so we can reach the widest group possible.

View a copy of the draft terms of reference for the Taskforce here:



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