Fenelon Falls Legion Honours Seniors in the Community of Fenelon Falls

Submitted by Arlene Colman

On behalf of the Royal Canadian Legion in Fenelon Falls Arlene Colman, Seniors Chairman, recognizes the important role our seniors play in the success of family, the success of the organizations to which they belong and the overall success of our community in which we live. Many of our seniors volunteer in various organizations, providing advice, experience and leadership and we are enriched by their participation. We thank our seniors for their contributions to the strength of family and the community.

Over the past nine years we have honoured our seniors with a luncheon in June during Seniors’ month in Ontario. Unfortunately this event is another casualty of COVID-19 as the Legion is closed in compliance with current virus restrictions. Hopefully next year this will be behind us and we can gather together once again and celebrate in style.

We ask that the community at large be alert for opportunities to assist our seniors during these times. Reach out to senior neighbours with a phone call to see how they are coping or if you can be of assistance, and offer help when you see a senior struggling with groceries or other activities. Your kindness will be very much appreciated. We need to take care of each other now more than ever.

We know that these are very trying and challenging times for everyone. At the Legion we have a Veterans Service Officer, Glenn Wood (705-879-8877), who assists veterans and their dependents and a Seniors’ Chairman, Arlene Colman (705-454-1849) who will assist seniors.  You don’t have to be a Legion member to avail yourself of our assistance.  We are here if you need us just give us a call.

As the continuing saga of COVID continues to evolve and complicate our lives please take care and stay safe.


Photo Round Up - June 18th, 2020


Featured Photo - Fenelon Falls Sunset