Have you heard the word? The market opens on the third!

Submitted by Kathy Martin

July third is our opening date, we're sorry it's been such a long wait.

The market will have public safety protocol in place this season to ensure the well-being of our customers and vendors.

We have a great line up with fresh local produce, homemade breads, treats, local garlic, preserves, honey, and much more.

Entrance into the market will only be accessible from Bond Street, and we have new hours this season: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. 

If you'd like to help us out at the market, we're always looking for volunteers. Right now, we are seeking people to volunteer as a greeter and a market monitor.

Thank you everyone for your support. www.fenelonfallsfarmersmarket.com


Thank you from Santa Day Committee


Photo Round Up - June 18th, 2020