Bee a Hero! 2020 CKL Pollinator Garden Challenge

Submitted by Christine Szabados

Bee City Kawartha Lakes is happy to announce a new event, the Bee A Hero! 2020 CKL Pollinator Garden Challenge. This exciting, socially distanced event strives to improve the quality and abundance of habitat for native pollinators along the CKL Pollinator Pathway.

The event is open to anyone who has or is creating a pollinator friendly garden space, farm, school or business. Prizes will be awarded in various garden categories, including children's gardens, container gardens, new and existing/expanded gardens. Participants are asked to submit a before and after photo of their garden.

Included below is a poster that offers helpful hints when preparing a new pollinator garden. We ask gardeners not to use plants treated with neonicotinoids and to include as many native species as they can.

Gardens will be judged in three categories: children's gardens (gardeners under 12 years of age); adult's gardens (gardeners over the age of 13 years); and container gardens. Participants are asked to submit their entry forms and photos by July 23, 2020.

All details are available on Bee City Kawartha Lakes' website:


Photo Round Up - June 4th, 2020


100 Activities for Kids and Adults