Note about Stone Piling

Submitted by Shirley McCormick

I love your e-news about Fenelon Falls; however, I thought it important to send an environmental note about people in Ontario making inukshuks / stone piles using stones nearby, whether especially in water but also on land. You posted a photo of one in the July 30th edition (#222) and I fear it will inspire others to do it, and also lend credibility to it as an ideal pastime. The intent is enjoyment and creativity, but unfortunately, it has environmental repercussions that can be quite damaging to wildlife. When I see it, and the great number of stones used, it breaks my heart. I think of all the little fish, crayfish and other ocean creatures that have just lost their habitat for shade, food, and hiding places from predators. In these times of climate deterioration (i.e. the last month of Saharan temperatures here in Ontario; the ongoing fires in Siberia that can't be put out), it is important for us to minimize our impact on the environment. In Ontario we seem to take it for granted, and to disturb natural environments without a thought about it. Education is key, but sadly it must be repeated to reach everyone.

Here is some info that can explain it better than I can. For your info and perhaps to share a small notation about in the Crier, on behalf of little wild creatures in the water and on land.

Best wishes,



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