An update from St. James Anglican Church

Saint James Anglican Church at 50 Bond Street East will welcome back its members and guests this Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 11:00 am.  

From the Communications Committee of St. James – Fenelon Falls.

The Wardens continue to finalize the protocol for our reopening planned for Sunday, September 13th,  We realize that these set protocols may seem awkward and restrictive—and they are—but we are dealing with the health and safety of our loved ones.  This will not last forever (please pray.)  As these restrictions are lifted and/or eased, we will make the necessary changes. The guidelines have been set by our diocese to ensure the health and safety of all parishioners. Here are the basic guidelines we will be following in the first few weeks of reopening: Before you arrive, the church will be completely cleaned and sanitized. Beginning with the September 13 service, you will be required to register with Dana Bachman, 705-887-3232,, indicating your intention to attend.  This will help in limiting the number allowed per Provincial guidelines, as well as for tracking purposes.

Entrance/exit will be restricted to one door only—the church hall. When you arrive, your name will be checked off the registration list for that week.

Masks are required at all times—we can provide them if you do not have one. One washroom will be available.  A Sides person will assist seating in designated areas and in exiting.  Six-foot-distancing will be observed.  You must pick up your bulletin and please take it home with.

While there will be no Communion this week, Judy Dickson will lead our first service back to St. James and Bev Jeeves will provide the worship music as a soloist.

In the beginning, St. James will look like a very different church than we are accustomed to.  However, the good news is that we will again be able to worship at St. James and with our friends and clergy.


Photo Round Up - September 17th, 2020


Update from Fenelon Falls Curling Club