Construction is Winding Down and Christmas is Coming

Construction is winding down on Colborne Street as anticipation for the Christmas season builds. The nostalgically styled streetlights, new paving stones and limestone planters create a beautiful backdrop to our historic downtown, now and for years to come. The streetlights also bring the possibility for new decorations, because the familiar Christmas wreaths no longer fit on the streetlight poles. But change brings innovation and new opportunities. As part of the Santa Day festivities the committee volunteers set to work finding new homes for the wreaths, decorating parts of downtown and stringing kilometres of lights!

Although the downtown may look a little different this holiday season, the construction opens new doors for year round beautification. In the meantime we invite you to come and stroll through downtown and see the magnificent window displays created by our talented business owners.

Are you interested in creating a vibrant and beautiful village? Contact Marylee at the Fenelon Falls Chamber of Commerce to find out how you can get involved. Call (705)887-3409 or email


Photo Round Up - Dec 2, 2021


Three-Seed Brittle by TheDevineKitchen