Early Bird Winner!

There are 10 days left in the Fenelon Falls Passport to Christmas promotion, so there’s still time to take advantage of the great shopping and dining promotions offered by the participating businesses. Fill up your passport even faster during the final double stamp weekend on December 17th to 19th. Once your passport(s) has 5 stamps or initials, fill in your contact information, then drop it in an entry box at any of the 34 participating locations or the Chamber of Commerce office located at 15 Oak Street. All eligible entries will be included in the random draw for one of three grand prize baskets with a total value of over $1600.00!

But before we get to the grand prize we’re excited to announce that Kathy Arscott was randomly chosen from 120 eligible entries as the winner of the Early Bird prize! This prize has value of more than $175.00. All entries in the Early Bird draw are also eligible for the 3 Grand Prize draws. Have fun shopping and dining in beautiful Fenelon Falls this December!


Festive Kale Salad with Pecan Vinaigrette by TheDevineKitchen


Photo Round Up - Dec 9, 2021