CMHA Sunrise Challenge


“We created the Sunrise Challenge because it’s time. Time to invest in mental health like we do physical health. Time to end the silence, stigma, and shame that still surround mental illness today. Time to rise together and stop mental illness from destroying lives.”

This year, starting on May 31st, the Canadian Mental Health Association is challenging all Canadians to rise with the sun in support of mental health awareness and suicide prevention. The challenge is set to last for one week, from May 31st to June 6th, and participants are challenged to gather a team, raise money, and rise with the sun.

To help end the stigma around mental health, the CMHA is asking any Canadians participating in the #sunrisechallenge to raise as much money as they can in support of the research being done by the Canadian Mental Health Association. The purpose of this challenge is not only to raise money and erase the stigma, but also to let those struggling with mental health know that they are not alone, and there are many resources readily available if anyone is seeking help. For more information on the CMHA #sunrisechallenge click here. To sign up, please visit:

Here’s a list of some local mental health resources:

Canadian Mental Health Association Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Branch: or 705-328-2704. One-to-one mental health support. Call to book an appointment. No referral required.

Four County Crisis Response Program: 1-866-995-9933. A 24/7 crisis call line to speak to a mental health professional.

Ross Memorial Hospital Outpatient Programs: or 705-324-6111. Call and ask for counselling and/or group support. Archived group sessions available on their website (e.g. Self-Esteem and Recovery).

Bounce Back Ontario: - Free online self-help resource for individuals with mild to moderate depression or anxiety.

Employee Assistance Program through your workplace.

Private Counselling from a variety of Therapists in the area. Virtual counselling is also available.


Earth Week + Free Frozen Yogurt at The Country Cupboard


Photo Round Up - April 15th, 2021