Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society: Anna’s Perennials and Nursery Garden

Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society is going to Anna's Perennials located south of Bobcaygeon at 63 Shoreview Road on August 23. Come at 2 or 6 to enjoy a stroll through these magnificent gardens. There are several acres of beautifully-designed gardens with walkways and paths including full sun beds, the shade garden and the woodland garden. As well there is an incredible cacti and yucca garden.  Anna always has something new to see and plants are available for purchase (cash, cheque or e-transfer only). See www.annasperennials.com and the poster for more details. Call 705-887-3136.

Once again meeting is outdoors for safety precautions.

Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society


Attention Local Artists! The Garden Book Project Needs You!


Photo Round Up - August 5th, 2021