Garage Sale in Fenelon Raised Over $1000 to be Donated!

Last Saturday July 3, was buzzing in Fenelon Falls with garage sale shoppers. All of Francis Street had a street sale. Garage sale signs were at every corner. One notable garage sale was a Charity Sale on Oak St. Many families strolled by on their way to the park, the swings, the splash pad and the lake. 

The sale was hosted by the Fenelon Falls Grannies for Grannies and all proceeds went to the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers Campaign. The Grannies were excited to raise money for their charity but almost as important was the opportunity to heighten awareness of the work of the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

The Fenelon Grannies have been involved in this work for 15 years. We are all aware of the AIDS pandemic which swept sub Saharan Africa wiping out a whole generation and leaving grandmothers, with no state support, responsible for their orphaned grandchildren while at the same time grieving the loss of their own children. The work started out, for example, by giving one African granny a goat so she would have milk for those children but over time those grannies grouped together, formed co-ops, sold the milk, cheese and baby goats. Over time, those orphaned grandchildren grew up, were given school supplies, bicycles so the girls could go safely to school. Now many of those girls are grown up , attending university in their own countries, growing up to become lawyers, doctors, teachers, strong independent women serving their own countries. The African Grannies, over time have grown into a political movement. For example the GoGos, grannies in South Africa, gained small pensions and housing. 

The Stephen Lewis Foundation has taken the opposite of the colonial approach. The African grannies tell the Foundation what they need, the money is sent to Africa and the bicycles, medical supplies, nutritious food for AIDS victims are bought appropriately in that powdered milk to be mixed where there is no water! No pictures of runny nosed children with flies on their eyes! Those African grannies are proud and would never permit that kind of appeal. There are 365 sustained and continuing projects in sub Saharan Africa. Of course they are learning, creating micro businesses, and micro banking. Of course they make mistakes but they are continually supported. They are supervised but the funding is not withdrawn. Each project grows and grows and reaches out farther and farther into the communities. The money goes in at the bottom through local Granny groups. It is not siphoned through the pockets of despot corrupt rulers.

The Fenlon Grannies were handing out pamphlets with information about both the local group and the national overriding group.  People were interested but sometimes the question came up. “Why are we helping African grannies and children? We have plenty of need right here in Ontario, in Lindsay, in Fenelon Falls.”  Our Fenelon Grannies for Grannies do pair up with a local (great) grandmother, Elva Potter and donate items through her to indigenous groups in Ontario and New York State. Elva stores the items in truck trailers on her property and once a year when the chiefs meet at Ramara Reserve they have the opportunity to look over the supplies and choose what they need for their own band. The shipping costs are paid by the Ramara band. Some needed supplies are hygiene kits, books for all ages, knitted baby layettes.

So have we bored you with all this charity stuff?? Never mind...good garage sales are coming up again this weekend. Come and experience the thrill of the bargain hunt (and donate to a good cause at the same time.) Saturday August 7, 8am-2pm. Charity Garage Sale, St. James Anglican church, 7 Bond St. E. Indoor sale. Masks required.


Exploring The Terrace Gardens: The Garden Project


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