The Garden Project: An Update

Hello again from the Garden Project Team! We are back this week, not with another garden,  but with an exciting update. The project is progressing extremely well, and we cannot wait to  share with you all of the beautiful things being created.  

Ten artists are participating in the painting of various gardens maintained by the FFHS for  the beautiful Garden Book and Greeting Cards. Check out a sneak peek of one of our  amazing artists, Ellie Arscott, painting the Triangle Garden!

These gardens include the Rain Garden, the Triangle Garden, the Victory Garden, the Frontporch Garden, the Pump Garden, the Chamber Garden, the Sailboat Garden, the Lock  Garden, and tulips from the Reflection Garden. Which one are you most excited to see?  

Want to learn more about each and every one of these gardens? Visit to explore all the lovely sites around town. Stay tuned for updates!


From Your Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society


Photo Round Up - September 2nd, 2021