The Fenelon Fall Curling Club is Re-Opening!


We are excited with the news that we will be able to re-open the Curling Club on Monday, January 31st.

Your Board of Directors have voted on the following:

  • To extend curling to April 9th (weather permitting) in order for all leagues to play 10 games.

  • To hold the greatly anticipated year end “Round Up Bonspiel” on the scheduled weekend of March 26/27th, 2022. Co-convenors MaryJane Greenlee, Darlene Young and Debbie Guiry will provide updates.

  • For the safety of our curlers, and to protect our community, that no external bonspiels will be held for the rest of this season.

  • The Club will re-open keeping our 50% capacity in place. The COVID Committee has been very diligent in making sure that all health and safety measures are in place at our club. By following the procedures put in place, we ask you to continue to do your part, to keep our club open and other members safe.

Update of Covid Procedures for 2022

As per the new government regulations, we will need to verify your proof of vaccination again, using a QR Reader.

If you do not have this on your phone, you will need to bring a paper copy of the QR code. It is very important that the QR code is readable, and not have any creases.

Do not come to the club if you are feeling unwell, or have been exposed to anyone to COVID. If time permits, please attempt to find a spare.

Continue to wear masks in the club, unless you are following the social distancing procedures on the ice, or seated at your assigned seat. For everyone’s safety please do not move the chairs around to sit at other tables.

Your league convenors will be in touch regarding scheduling in the next few weeks.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to curling!


Photo Round Up - Feb 3rd, 2022


Photo Round Up - Jan 27, 2022