Passing the Torch

Hello Town Crier Readers!

I am thrilled to announce that I will be taking over as Editor of the Town Crier so that the lovely Emily can prepare to welcome her new bundle in the coming weeks!

As a lifelong Kawartha Lakes local and a local business owner, the success of our community businesses, events and organizations is near and dear to me. My hope is to continue the success of the Town Crier and keep an open line to our readers who may have ideas, items or event they want to feature.

A little about me: I am a mom, wife and business owner. I reside between Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon. My background is as a marketing expert and graphic designer, specializing in building meaningful brands.

The team at Barton Creative Co. and I have been working in the background of the Town Crier and the Fenelon Falls Chamber of Commerce for some time now. We are familiarized with all things local and hope that this experience will help ensure a super simple transition. As a Board Member for the Fenelon Falls Chamber of Commerce, I am able to stay current on what is happening in Fenelon Falls and offering from the Chamber.

Now, more than ever, it is important to ensure that we are highlighting important news and topics, and supporting all the business and organizations in our Community.

Join me in wishing Emily and the Cow and Sow all the best with their new “team member” - we thank her for her hard work and dedication to the Town Crier!

Again, I would love to hear your stories, your ideas and what you would like to have delivered to your inbox weekly. If you would like to get in touch, please email

Chat Soon!

Robyn Barton


It has been such an amazing last year editing and writing for the Town Crier. Seeing all of the weekly photos of our beautiful village was definitely one of the highlights for me. I want to thank everyone who submitted content over the last year. You kept everyone in the know and everyone in the town involved with anything and everything that was happening. I am so excited for Barton Creative to continue the newsletter. The TC could not be left in better hands.

Happy New Year

Emily Forbes


P2C Winners!


Photo Round Up - Jan 6, 2022