More Than a Bench

By: Sharon Yeo, Hospice Services Manager of Community Care, City of Kawartha Lakes

You may see a simple bench, we see awesome personal growth.

Ally, Grace, Marielle and Michelle met through CCCKL’s Riverwalk program, which is a grief walk that invites participants to engage with others who have experienced a loss of a loved one. Though the Riverwalk has now wrapped up for the season, it is a success story of partnering clients from the Nordic Pole Walkers with Hospice Grief clients.

The group quickly bonded, and their journey together took them to the labyrinth garden on McLaughlin Rd. in Lindsay where they discovered a dilapidated bench in the thicket. The bench had a little plaque with a dedication to Dorothy Wayne and was in need of some TLC. In an instant the group knew they had to restore this bench! Someone took time and energy to dedicate this bench and the group was disheartened to see it in such a state. This motivated Ally to contact Hospice Service and Hospice Bereavement Coordinator Janice Craig supported their desire to right a wrong and fix the bench.

Together the group transported the bench to Ally’s house where they lovingly restored it using her late husband’s tools. Ally knew her husband, Ricky, was there guiding and helping them. She laughed as she described a few of their mishaps and challenges, but she knew he was encouraging them in this project. Ally described using his tools as the first time she has felt calmness in the last year. The group expressed that working on this project was meaningful in their grief journey.

Restoring the bench to its former glory, complete with a beautiful blue stain, was therapeutic for the group as the clients worked through feelings and the volunteers provided emotional support. One participant said “I didn’t do anything, I was just the cheerleader on the sidelines”, but that’s what Hospice volunteers do. They are a companion and they support their clients when reconciling a loss.

The bench is now at Hospice Services on the patio where it can be enjoyed by many.

There is a mystery though. No one knows who Dorothy Wayne is. The group has searched and cannot find out anything about her. If you know who she is please contact Sharon Yeo at Hospice Services at 705-879-4123 ext 501.

If you are grieving the death of a loved one, Hospice Services is here to support you. Reach out to our team at 705-879-4123 ext 500.


Photo Round Up - Nov 10th, 2022


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