Country Cupboard Teams up with Sip to Reduce Waste this Santa Day

Bring your reusable mug to Sip on Santa Day to get a free hot chocolate or coffee!

With an influx of people coming to town for the very popular Santa Day, so comes the influx of waste, especially single use coffee cups. Not only can those cups be an eye sore overflowing from garbage cans and rolling around in the gutters at this spectacular event, they are also a sore for the environment!  They create allot of extra work for local volunteers who clean up after the big day too,  so throw your reusable mug in your back pack and get a high quality local coffee or hot chocolate for free this Santa Day while helping reduce waste in our community!

That ought to get you on the big guy’s nice list!


The Book Lady's Shampoo Drive


From the Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society