Ask the Coach: Mar 17, 2022

I’m still worried and anxious post-pandemic, but I’m excited to get out and go see people again. How can I balance the two and learn to enjoy life again?

It is completely natural that you would have mixed feelings about how best to re-enter our new world.  The experience we’ve had over the last two years is unprecedented and none of us had a clear understanding or appreciation of how disruptive our lives would become.

That said, we have turned a corner and its time to move forward.  The best approach is to ease into what is comfortable for you.  Don’t force yourself to do anything that is outside your comfort zone but try small things each day.  A walk, a coffee with a friend, a visit to a bookstore, things that create a sense of normalcy.

Small steps are the best approach to long term gain. 

The most important thing is to do what is right for you – and if possible, try not to feel the pressure of others. The only right approach is taking the steps that feel the best for you personally. Remember, one step at a time. You’ve got this!

The pandemic made me realize my worth to my company - how can I ask for a raise?

The pandemic has been challenging on multiple levels including working from home, juggling personal and professional issues, staggered work hours, online meetings, mastering new technology, etc.

It has been a learning experience for both employees and employers. Each with their own set of challenges.

Understanding and communicating your worth and value to the organization is key. That said, it must be done in a non-confrontational manner both clearly and professionally. 

If you haven’t had a performance review since the start of the pandemic, I suggest that you ask your supervisor to provide you with one.  Ensuring that you and your boss feel that your performance was maintained or improved, will allow for a more open discussion about a promotion or raise.

Another consideration is to prepare an overview/summary of all that has been accomplished during this time.  Did you take on additional responsibilities? How did you manage your role despite the change in how you used to work?  What were the outcomes?    

As much as we need to look forward, we must also reflect on our accomplishments during this unprecedented time in our lives.  

Resilience and adaptability to the new normal should not go unrecognized.  Don’t be afraid to have the conversation. Best of luck!

My mom and my partner don’t get along. How can I help them forge a connection?

Let’s be clear, relationships between parents and our partners can often be tricky.

It would be ideal if everyone got along but that is not always the case.  I suspect that at times you must feel like you are being asked to choose sides – an untenable position to be in.  You love them both. End of story.

If there is a specific reason the two are at odds, I suggest that you try to have them sit down and discuss the issue openly. Perhaps having someone (not you) who can be objective may be helpful to hear what the issue is, and to help mediate the conversation between the two of them.  

They may not be able to release their challenge(s) with each other. But as you are the common denominator, they likely share some similar values. 

 The most important being their love for you!

Asking them to truly consider how their discourse is making you feel is very important. 

Perhaps they can find it in themselves to agree to disagree and to put aside their differences because of their love and concern for you and how this is impacting your life.

The impact of negative energy in relationships of any kind is difficult and considering what we have all endured over the last two years in the pandemic, we should consider putting our focus towards looking for what’s right in the world, not for what’s wrong.

My hope is that you can ask these two important people in your life to take a breath, step back and do just that.

I wish you luck….

We have the pleasure of joining forces with Merrill Pierce, a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by Corporate Coach U, and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).  She is also an accredited member of Society of Organizational Learning (SOL), and an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediator certified by the ADR Institute of Canada.

Merrill has spent over 20 years working at a number of Fortune 500 companies, of which 10 years were at the senior executive level. This background provides her with a solid and practical understanding of personal and professional issues, challenges, and concerns. Merrill is also a regular contributor to the media and has published several articles and white papers on business related topics.  

Merrill is ready to tackle YOUR questions! Whether they are personal, or professional - she can anonymously answer your submissions, and help you navigate any relevant challenges occurring in your life. Doing so could help others in similar situations and scenarios. Merrill will also be presenting advice on relevant, general topics to help our readers.

Welcome to the Town Crier Merrill! If you want to send a question to Merrill please submit to


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