Ask the Coach - How Do I Avoid Holiday Burnout?

Ask the Coach - How Do I Avoid Holiday Burnout?

Dear Merrill,

I can’t believe there is less than a month before Christmas. This year I want to find a way to not get stressed or anxious about all that needs to get accomplished. In previous years I am too exhausted to enjoy the season. I realize that much of the stress is self induced and this year I want to do things differently. Do you have any tips on how to achieve this and really get the most out of the holiday season?

Thank you.

Dear S.

You are not alone. Each year my clients are concerned about getting everything done both at work and in preparation at home before the holidays. So, whether you are a die-hard Christmas/holiday season fan or someone who just wants to get it over with, the holidays are full of high-stress moments. We often get so busy leading up to the holidays that we forget to be intentional about our planning and purchasing, and then we end up buried emotionally and financially. Instead of being a season of rest and celebration, the holidays are often frantic—and even painful. Even when we plan, holiday stress can sneak up on us. Here are some tips to consider having a less stressful, more enjoyable, and more intentional holiday season:

  • Plan and if possible, start early

  • Be realistic about what is feasible (this includes what needs to be done, budget, gifts, meals, and travel)

  • Focus on what you can control – let go of those things that are out of your control

  • Pace yourself and know when to stop – protect your down time

  • Take and protect your “you” time

  • Let go of perfection – the goal is to spend quality time together

  • Be mindful of what you eat and drink

  • Set expectations of your vision of the holiday and share this with loved ones

  • Limit time on social media

  • Be deliberate about your holiday plans and don’t get caught up in the mania

  • Make people and connection your top priority

Being more deliberate about your holiday plans so that your holidays are less stressful can make a meaningful difference in how you will feel physically, psychologically, and emotionally during AND after the holiday season. Remember, the holidays should be joyful and restorative, but they are often demanding. This season, we will need to give ourselves and others some grace—a lot of it. Make no mistake: Stressful events will happen. But here is the good thing; We get to choose how we respond to those events. So, choose wisely and…. Happy Holidays!



We have the pleasure of joining forces with Merrill Pierce, a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by Corporate Coach U, and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also an accredited member of Society of Organizational Learning (SOL), and an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediator certified by the ADR Institute of Canada.

Merrill has spent over 20 years working at a number of Fortune 500 companies, of which 10 years were at the senior executive level. This background provides her with a solid and practical understanding of personal and professional issues, challenges, and concerns. Merrill is also a regular contributor to the media and has published several articles and white papers on business related topics.

Merrill is ready to tackle YOUR questions! Whether they are personal, or professional - she can anonymously answer your submissions, and help you navigate any relevant challenges occurring in your life. Doing so could help others in similar situations and scenarios. Merrill will also be presenting advice on relevant, general topics to help our readers. If you want to send a question to Merrill, please submit to before the Monday of each week (otherwise your question may be held til a following week!).


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