Ask the Coach - May 19, 2022

Ask the Coach:

“I have recently been promoted to a management position and find it at times overwhelming.  How can ensure that I am being a good leader? Are there resources or training courses I can take to help grow my leadership skills?

Welcome to the world of management.  As a manager, or a manager in a new job, you will find there is a lot to do and as a first-time manager, you can often feel overwhelmed by new responsibilities and everything that comes with the new position. 

In my experience of coaching new managers, the following seven steps are extremely useful and should help you to hit the ground running.

  1. Adopt a growth mindset

  2. Build rapport with everyone you can

  3. Start one on ones with your team right away

  4. Practice asking good questions & listening 

  5. Master the art of managing up

  6. Get to know your peers 

  7. Look for some quick wins 

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other (JFK) so continuing to grow your knowledge through valuable resources is key.

 Here are 3 books that will provide solid guidance as you navigate this new landscape.

Atomic Habits – James Clear

Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg

Managers Path – Camille Fournier

There also several companies and coaches that provide learning tools.  Speak to your HR department or boss to see if you might be able to build these courses into your leadership development.




Photo Round Up - May 19, 2022


Globus Theatre Summer Season 2022