Ask the Coach - September is Here…Pondering the Law of Attraction

Ask the Coach - September is Here…Pondering the Law of Attraction

The beginning of September is often a time of reflection and planning for me. It marks a change in season, the start of a new school year and its often a time to revisit the goals I made at the beginning of the year.

Having just returned from an amazing workshop in Boston which focused on the Law of Attraction, I am energized by new learning and actions I can start taking to make the balance of the year much more powerful.

To kickstart your September, I am going to share a few of my takeaways from the workshop in the hopes that they may help to set the stage for the months ahead. Enjoy!

Simple steps for manifesting the life you desire:

First, you must be aware of your thoughts. Your mind can be like a runaway train if you let it. It can take you off to thoughts of the past, and then take you to thoughts of the future by holding past negative or unpleasant events and projecting those into your future. When you are aware, you are in the present and you know what you are thinking.

What we think we become, so start thinking positively.

One way to become more aware is to stop and ask yourself, “what am I thinking now? What am I feeling now?” The moment you ask you are aware because you have brought your mind back to the present moment.

The Law of Attraction is the law of nature.

Nothing can come into your life or experience unless you persistently and clearly focus on it in your mind. But be ready to accept it when it arrives. Too many of us ask for something and when it arrives, we are critical of it – did not come fast enough, was not good enough etc. remove the constraints and receive openly.

It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good, positive thoughts – try it for yourself.

The feeling of love is the highest frequency to source that you can emit.

The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater power you are harnessing.

Like attracts like – just think about a day when everything is going smoothly – the vibration you are emitting is coming back to you from those who you are in contact with.

Conversely, a difficult day and we may find ourselves surrounded with others feeling the same…

You get to choose what you want, but you must be clear about it. This is your work. If you are not clear, the law of attraction cannot bring you what you want. You will be sending a mixed message and frequency and you will attract mixed results.

Remember every single thing you have been through, every single moment you have come through (good and bad), were to all prepare you for this moment right now. Imagine what you can do from this day forward as the creator of your destiny.

No one else can dance your dance, no one else can sing your song and no one else can author your story. Who you are, what you do, begins right now!

Become your own best advocate for happiness.

With love and light,

Best, Merrill

We have the pleasure of joining forces with Merrill Pierce, a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by Corporate Coach U, and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also an accredited member of Society of Organizational Learning (SOL), and an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediator certified by the ADR Institute of Canada.

Merrill has spent over 20 years working at a number of Fortune 500 companies, of which 10 years were at the senior executive level. This background provides her with a solid and practical understanding of personal and professional issues, challenges, and concerns. Merrill is also a regular contributor to the media and has published several articles and white papers on business related topics.

Merrill is ready to tackle YOUR questions! Whether they are personal, or professional - she can anonymously answer your submissions, and help you navigate any relevant challenges occurring in your life. Doing so could help others in similar situations and scenarios. Merrill will also be presenting advice on relevant, general topics to help our readers. If you want to send a question to Merrill, please submit to before the Monday of each week (otherwise your question may be held til a following week!).


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