From the Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society
Daffodils and budding tulips in the Reflection Garden,
April 29, 2021.
We had our first in-person meeting since November 2019 this past Monday evening at the Seniors’ Club on Murray Street. Vaccinations were required and everyone in attendance masked and used the sanitizer provided. There were three happy winners of the “Gifting For Gardeners” baskets/packages and our presentation topic of “Ideas For Growing Vegetables” by Liz and Nick Case was informative and certainly timely. Many cool weather vegetables such as peas, radishes, spinach, cabbage, lettuce and many others can be planted now that the soil can be worked.
This is a reminder to please resist the urge to clean up your garden until after temperatures are constantly above 10C (not yet!). If you clean your gardens now, you will be literally throwing away many of this year’s beneficial pollinators.
Our major fundraiser of the year - - the “Spring Into Gardening” Plant Sale - - is scheduled for Saturday, May 28th at the Fenelon Agricultural Society Memorial Building at the Fenelon Fairgrounds. There will be vendors there along with many plants (both outdoor and indoor) and if you would like to donate plants or need to have plants harvested for donation, please contact Darlene through our website at