Fenelon Falls Seniors’ Club Invites you to its 50th Anniversary Celebration
The Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens’ Club is celebrating a significant milestone, commemorating 50 years of club operations and service to the community. A special 50th Anniversary party will be held on Wednesday June 22 at their home at 58 Murray Street, Fenelon Falls, and all are invited. Ongoing infrastructure improvements on the street will not impede this special celebration. Please join us.
Fenelon Falls Seniors’ Club
Invites you to its 50th Anniversary Celebration
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Doors will open at 12:30 p.m. for
early birds who wish to bid on Silent Auction items
Join us for live music outside, presented by Dig The Moon
Cake cutting and refreshments will be served at 3:00 p.m.
At 4:00 p.m. Silent Auction bids will close and
Grand Raffle Draw will take place.
In anticipation of the Grand Raffle Draw with great odds of winning, raffle tickets continue to sell well and are still available by contacting the Club and any of its members. Don’t miss the chance to win five amazing prizes:
1st PRIZE $3,000 Cash Prize - Rotary Club of Fenelon Falls
2nd PRIZE $1,500 Gift Cards - Sobeys Fenelon Falls
3rd PRIZE $636 Dinner Theatre Combo including The Cow & Sow Eatery, The Locker at the Falls, Globus Theatre and The Grove Theatre
4th PRIZE $600 Tree + Planting - Rockwood Forest Nurseries
5th PRIZE $250 Family Season Permit - Kawartha ATV Association
Among the many festivities, join us for a complimentary afternoon of musical entertainment provided by local trio Dig The Moon. Well known at many events, this talented trio based in Fenelon Falls plays a wide variety of music, with influences from folk, rock, country, jazz, and blues, featuring amazing vocal harmonies. Enjoy cake and refreshments, complimentary for all in attendance.
Many thanks to all the generous sponsors who have made this fundraising event possible at this time of such hardship for so many. Inquiries on how to assist and support both in time and financial contributions are welcomed and encouraged. Please call 705-887-7007, visit www.fenelonseniors.com or check us out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FenelonFallsSeniorCitizensClub/ for further information on the venue, the club membership and activities. To make a donation or to inquire on the sponsorship program, call 705-879-2719 or email margaret@jacksgroup.ca.
[The Seniors Citizens’ Club of Fenelon Falls has the responsibility of managing and maintaining the building it calls home. A small and dedicated group of volunteers offer years of experience to the running of this amazing organization and building. The club and its membership have served the needs of the Fenelon Falls seniors for more than 50 years. It is a not-for profit, registered charitable organization with its entire operating budget coming from club membership fees, fees from club activities, donations, rental contracts, and fundraising activities.]
Dig The Moon - Peter Stauffer - vocals, guitar, Donna Bisschop - vocals, bodhran drum, Paul Fountain - vocals, guitar