Meet the 2022 Tourism Ambassadors!


The summer season is here and our students have arrived! Meet Ashleigh, Jayla and Lyla.

Ashleigh is our office student and she will be leading the Tourism Ambassador program this summer. In the fall she’ll be going into her second year at Carleton University in Architectural Studies. Ashleigh is from Fenelon and has lived here most of her life. She loves to get outside during the summer. 

Jayla is one of our Tourism Ambassadors for the months of July and August. She is going into Grade 11 at Fenelon Falls Secondary School (FFSS) in the fall.  Born and raised in Fenelon, Jayla loves playing sports and getting out on the water in the summer months! 

Lyla is the second Tourism Ambassador. She is also going in to Grade 11 in the fall at FFSS and was raised in Fenelon too. She enjoys playing beach volleyball at the park during the summer and enjoys partaking in theatre and the arts. 

You’ll see all three of them throughout the summer months in the blue Tourism Ambassador shirts at the Tourism Office and around town. Be sure to stop and say hi!


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Photo Round Up - June 30, 2022