Mushrooms: The Hidden World Beneath our Feet

Hello again from the Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society!

The September meeting will be held next Monday night, 7 P.M., at the Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens Club, 58 Murray Street. The topic, “The Hidden World Beneath Our Feet” is a fascinating one and you are sure to learn some amazing new facts.

Our speaker, Robert Bowles, has requested that members and visitors please bring mushrooms to the meeting and he will identify them for you. We have had rain in our area recently so mushrooms are popping up again in lawns, gardens and along trails and should be quite easy to find.

The cost for members is included as part of the $20 annual membership but there is a $5 fee for guests at this meeting. There will be no refreshments served so please bring your own if desired.

We hope to see you there!


Photo Round Up - Sept 22nd, 2022


Victoria County Studio Tour