Tribute and Celebration of Life for Beloved Community Member, Randy Meredith

Randy Meredith from Grr8 Finds was an integral part of our community. As we all process his sudden and unexpected death, we asked local business owners to help us honour his memory.

On Wednesday, September 7th there was a Fenelon-wide Wacky Wednesday. Residents and business owners wore their wackiest clothing or pants and met outside of Grr8 Finds at noon for a group picture. Those who could not attend in person, were asked to to post a photo with their Wacky Wednesday outfit on social media. You can find these by searching the hashtag #wackyforRandy

Let's keep Wacky Wednesdays alive, and continue to use the hashtag to honour Randy.


Non-Members Welcome: Annual Mixed Golf Tournament


Rory Taillon playing The Grove Theatre this Saturday, September 10th