Meet the 2025 Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

The Fenelon Falls & District Chamber of Commerce plays a vital role in supporting local businesses, fostering community connections, and driving economic growth. As we step into 2025, we’re excited to introduce the dedicated individuals who will be leading the way.

This series will spotlight each member of the Board of Directors, sharing their backgrounds, passions, and visions for the year ahead. Stay tuned to learn more about the people working behind the scenes to make Fenelon Falls an even better place to live, work, and visit!

Samena Kennedy

Samena Kennedy - 2nd year Director

1) How long have you lived in Fenelon Falls?

Moved to Fenelon in 1985- Resident til 2000. Now live in Lindsay

2) What is your business?

Owner of The Locker at The Falls

3) What do you love about Fenelon Falls?

Hometown pride. Small community with a big heart. Beautiful lakes. Several owned/operator female businesses

4) Why did you join the Board?

Opportunity to give back to my community, make connections and build relationships with other owners in the area, great networking collaborative opportunities.

5) What would you like people to know about the Chamber of Commerce?

Board members are Volunteers. Chamber offers a dual role: both for local business and tourism. Several opportunities to be involved in shaping and making decisions for the community. Very proactive. Working along with our community boards and city.

Nicole Mitchell

Nicole Mitchell - 1st year Director

1) How long have you lived in Fenelon Falls?

I moved here with my husband and son in 2021 to be the first employee of The Grove Theatre!

2) What is your business?

I’ve recently changed positions, but my new role is Director of Finance and Administration at The Grove Theatre.

3) What do you love about Fenelon Falls?

I love running into people in town. I love chatting with the business owners and knowing their stories. I love that when I need another bottle of Oregano 8, Julia at Country Cupboard places an order just for me and messages me when it comes in. I love that when a group wants something like a theatre company in the village, they come together and now there’s a professional theatre company, or a bike rental, or a splash pad. The people of Fenelon make things happen!

4) Why did you join the Board?

I joined the board because I wanted to be a part of this growing village so when my son is an adult, he’ll be proud to have grown up here.

5) What would you like people to know about the Chamber of Commerce?

The Chamber represents and supports Fenelon businesses. While not every initiative may directly benefit every business, the Chamber’s goal is to foster a thriving local economy. The Chamber is ‘Team Fenelon’—bringing businesses together to work toward the same shared vision of success for our community.

6) If you could do or change one thing in Fenelon Falls, what would that be? 

I would like to see more business diversity in Fenelon.

Merrill Pierce

Merrill Pierce - 3rd year Director

1) How long have you lived in Fenelon Falls?

I have owned a home here for 12 years

2) What is your business?

The Pierce Group a Division of MPSquared Coaching Inc.

3) What do you love about Fenelon Falls?

The people, the environment, the incredible sense of community

4) Why did you join the Board?

To help the growth and ongoing improvement of Fenelon. My strong interest in community revitalization and engagement was a key factor as is my desire to contribute to the Chambers’ efforts in supporting local businesses, tourism and growth.

5) What would you like people to know about the Chamber of Commerce?

It is fully committed to making Fenelon a more prosperous place to own a business, raise your family and or retire. Managed by a volunteer BOD, the chamber takes on various initiatives to enhance the local area.

6) If you could do or change one thing in Fenelon Falls, what would that be?

Would love to be able to accommodate visitors for an extended stay – we need a nice Inn or establishment that has rooms and perhaps a chef driven restaurant – if we can begin developing a more cultural driven environment that attracts an audience interested in fine food and theatre – we can build the tourism business, similar to Prince Edward County – financial draw for entire town.


Farewell From Treasures by the Locks