Kawartha Field Naturalists Present a Talk on Invasive Species
Greetings from the Kawartha Field Naturalists!
We invite you to our first meeting of 2023!
At this meeting we will be joined by Trent University MSc Candidate Nick Weissflog who will be introducing us to a new way of thinking about invasive species! In this talk Nick will discuss how eradication of invasive species has never worked and perhaps another focus for management may be the key. He will discuss the topic of his MSc research on how species naturalize and what implications this naturalization may have on invasive species management.
This meeting will be held on Monday January 9th at 7pm at 89 Colborne Street (in the basement of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church) in Fenelon Falls.
This event is open and free to all interested in attending. The talks will also be paired with coffee/tea and holiday treats! We hope to see you there!
For more information about the Kawartha Field Naturalists and upcoming events please visit: www.kawarthafieldnaturalists.org