Ask the Coach - Time for a Change

By: Merrill Pierce

Dear Coach,

I have spent the last 8 years working for the same company, with various promotions along the way. Overall, I enjoy the work but lately have been wondering if it is time for a change.

I am worried about looking for a new job after so many years, but also concerned that I may have become a bit complacent. Even bored. Is there a way to know when it really is time to move on>

Sincerely, L.

Dear L.

As you consider whether to take on career move, here are a few signs you might use to evaluate whether it’s time to truly move on from work that previously provided you with meaning.

It’s no longer encouraging your growth.
You’ve achieved what you set out to achieve.
You actively look for ways to avoid your job.
You regularly approach work with exhaustion, burnout, or dread.
It’s causing you to develop bad habits.
Your workplace has become unhealthy.

If you are experiencing one or more of these, it may indeed be time for a change.




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