Ask the Coach - June 27th

By: Merrill Pierce

Welcome Summer & Great reads!

Summer has arrived and with it – summer vacation. Not suggesting that you use your off-down time to review business books, but if you are interested in some great, inspirational, and informative books, the following are a few of my favourite’s:

Atlas of the Heart – Brene Brown
Mapping meaningful connection and the language of Human Experience
This book takes us on a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human.

Setting Your Genius Free – Dick Richards
This guide shows us how to nurture the natural power that is our genius- to identify our unique gift and make effective use of it.  A fun series of exercises to help us to move toward our true purpose.

Rest, Refocus, Recharge – Greg Wells 
A great resource for finding simple and innovative ways to fight fatigue, feel stronger, and live better.  Pivot from busy to deliberate so you can find the time to recover and regenerate.

Compassionate Leadership – Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter
This remarkable book shines a light on how to create the culture of compassion and empowerment that unlocks creativity, productivity, and happiness in today’s organizations.

Attracting Perfect Customers – Stacey Hall & Jan Brogniez
This little gem debunks the antiquated notion that business is war and winning market share means you must “beat the other guy. They detail a straightforward process for making  your business so highly  attractive that perfect customers and clients are naturally drawn to you – the true power of strategic synchronicity.

Be Your Future Self Now – Dr. Benjamin Hardy
In this highly practical book, Dr Hardy shows that when you look at your life through the lens of your future self, you will learn how to create the incredible, beautiful life you want. As an organizational psychologist, Dr Hardy explores the science of your future self.

The Five Levels of Attachment – Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Although written years ago, I often refer to this question with clients;  Do you hold your beliefs? Or do your beliefs hold you? 
This book provides you with a measuring stick to understanding how tied you are to any belief, idea, or opinion. Each level represents how controlled you are by your own way of thinking.

Inspiration in Action – Kathie Donovan
Written by a dear friend of mine, Kathie is a celebrated TV producer, journalist, and radio host whose career has spanned over 40 years. Her passion for “people’s stories” has given birth to the next chapter in her life – developing a women’s guide to happiness.

Happy Reading,
Enjoy the summer –  I look forward to reconnecting with you in September.




A Wee Tree Farm: Wee Market on Saturday, June 29th


Photo Round Up - Jun 27th, 2024