Globus Theatre’s Winter Arts Program is back for a second year

Bobcaygeon, January 29 – After the success of the Youth Winter Arts Program and Seniors Shine in 2023, Globus Theatre is continuing its Winter Arts Program into 2024.
The Seniors Shine portion of Globus Theatre’s Winter Arts programming is funded by the New Horizons for Seniors Program, and has allowed for Globus to provide a multitude of fun arts activities at low or no cost to participants, ensuring that seniors of all walks of life are able to connect and flex their creativity. Led by instructors from Globus Theatre's School of Dramatic Arts, participants are encouraged to provide input as to what skills they want to explore and showcase. Though the emphasis is on getting connected and creative, the program will also culminate in a Seniors Shine Cabaret for those participants wanting to take to the stage.

"This should be their cabaret - it's my hope that they take ownership of it (as opposed to doing what I tell them to do) and say what they want to say. I am here to help shape their vision and bring their brilliance to the stage.” - Instructor Jennine Profeta

The Youth Winter Arts program is specifically for youth and young adults ages 14-30 who are interested in the theatrical arts but may not have the opportunities to explore their creativity. Thanks to the Bobcaygeon Legacy C. H. E. S. T. Fund, subsidies are available for youth and young adults wishing to participate. All experience levels are welcome, whether you’re a seasoned performer or this is the first time you have stepped on stage – meaning youth from all over Bobcaygeon and the Kawartha Lakes can join! Participants will be meeting approximately 2 times a week starting mid-February, with a final production in mid-April. What the production will be has yet to be determined because it will be decided by all the youth and young adults that are participating! Youth will have input into what the final production will be - it could be a comedy, a drama, or some scene selections, the creative opportunities are endless, and this is the perfect occasion for youth to make their mark on the stage.

“Last year's YWA project was a brilliant showcase of Mmmbeth - a comedic take on a Shakespeare classic, so who knows what is in store for 2024! I had so much fun teaching and creating with the youth and look forward to another exciting few months!” - director Rebecca Anne Bloom

If you want to get a taste of the Seniors Shine program with no commitment required, we have Improv and Chorus Girl workshops happening in February at Globus Theatre’s downtown studio on 90 Bolton St:

Improv 101 - Wed. Feb 7 from noon-1pm and Sat. Feb 24 from 1-2pm
Chorus Girl Sat. Feb 10 from 1-2pm and Tues. Feb 13 from noon-1pm

If you are interested in taking part but not sure what would fit, email the program director at or call Globus Theatre at 705-738-2027 and they will guide you as to how to get involved.

For youth and young adults, auditions for the Youth Winter Arts program are on Monday February 5th & Friday February 9th. Registration for the program is open from now until February 9th. To sign up for YWA visit the Globus Theatre website at or email the program director - Rebecca Anne Bloom - at


James Wallis Commissions Maryboro Lodge, 1837


Photo Round Up - Feb 1st, 2024