Kawartha Lakes Soccer Club


The City Of Kawartha Lakes (COKL) has proposed two new plans as part of the Ops Community Centre Redevelopment project. 

Plan A includes two new soccer fields (one artificial turf field and one natural grass field)

Plan B includes one new artificial turf soccer field

The COKL currently has fewer soccer fields than we require to run our soccer programs. We already have to negotiate with other local soccer organizations every year to share the fields, since we all want to use them primarily on weeknights. With every soccer program expanding over the past few years, and the city's population projected to skyrocket due to new development, the field situation is going to get worse. The addition of two new soccer fields (Plan A) would have a significant impact for the hundreds of children and adults that play soccer in our community. In addition, people that play other sports like football, baseball, cricket, etc... will also benefit from using the new fields.

Please take a minute to visit the city website and provide some feedback. The drawings of both plans can be found in the Document Library section. Here is the link: https://jumpinkawarthalakes.ca/ops-park-redevelopment

There is a section if you would like to ask a question, and if you scroll down, there is a section to provide comments and feedback. Please let them know how important it is to build more soccer fields (especially the turf field) in our community. If you agree that two fields would be the best option, let them know that you prefer Plan A!

Thanks for your help,

Steve Hayman

President - Kawartha Lakes Soccer Club


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