Short Term Rental Program Implementation Timeline pdate

Next steps for the implementation of the new Short Term Rental (STR) Licensing Program have started. Once program details are finalized, more information on how to register your STR will be circulated.

While Staff work on finalizing those details, here is the anticipated STR program implementation timeline for the rest of the year:

Soft Rollout: June 2023

  • STR By-law finalized

  • STR Application (form and intake process) finalized

  • Enhanced complaint tracking begins

  • Communications and marketing awareness campaign planning

  • STR webpage updated

  • Initiate Vendor Support Call Centre

Phase 1: July to August 2023

  • Complete guidance and educational documents for STR owners

  • Launch updated licensing and complaint tools

  • Liaise with owners and start to register them

  • Collect location data and begin STR mapping work

  • Budget allocation

  • Hire STR support staff

  • Office space and equipment allocation for new staff

Phase 2: September to October 2023

  • Launch STR call centre and 24/7 complaint line

  • Utilize mapping and location data gathered in Phase 1 to engage STR owners for licensing purposes using compliance notices

  • Train new staff

  • Issue STR Business Licenses to registrants

Phase 3: November to December 2023

  • Review the STR policy, by-law and processes

  • Analyse collected STR data

  • Invoice any offence fees to owners

Full Program: January 2024 onwards

Council will be provided with a progress report by March 30, 2024

The report will potentially include any recommended program or by-law changes based off of the data that gets collected throughout the remainder of 2023

Although Staff will be sticking to the above timeline as closely as possible, please note that the implementation timeline is subject to change.

For more information about Short Term Rentals in Kawartha Lakes visit the Short Term Rental page on the City of Kawartha Lakes website. For a detailed look at the steps taken to get to this point, go to the Short Term Rental Jump In project page.


Get Yourself to Million Dollar Quartet at the Grove!


Opening Weekend for Million Dollar Quartet and The Comedy of Errors at The Grove Theatre