Traffic Control Box Art Contest - Submissions Close Tomorrow

Individual artists can submit to have their artwork juried for the 2023 Traffic Control Box (TCB) Call for submissions.  Deadline for submissions is TOMORROW - August 18th.  Works of art in your current collection are eligible, so there is no need to create a piece of work specific to the TCB call. This year’s theme is Sports and Entertainment - from equipment to action and everything in between!

CARFAC fees apply, and each artist selected for placement on one (1) of the ten (10) TCBs will receive $200.  The artwork will also grace the pages of the 2024 Municipal calendar, which is distributed to all households in the municipality. Every piece chosen will have a QR code that takes the viewer to the artist’s website/social channel. 

The call is in partnership with the Kawartha Arts Network and open to all visual artists and graphic designers that are residents of the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Learn more by clicking here.


Movie Night at Lock 34 on August 31st


Photo Round Up - Aug 10th, 2023