Voyageur Canoe Brigade - Aug 1

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 1st, when a Voyageur Canoe Brigade, of 12 large canoes will be paddling into Fenelon Falls. Come to Garnet Graham Beach Park (98 Francis St. W) to see their spectacular arrival at (approximately) 11:30 a.m. The Brigade will enjoy their lunch in the park before heading off to explore downtown Fenelon Falls, or relax in the park. A small group of brigade members will be available to take interested people out in one of the “Big canoes”. These skilled voyageur paddlers will take you on a short tour on Cameron Lake. Contact the Tourism Office at (705)887-3409 or for more information about the canoe tours. 

The Brigade is made up of volunteer paddlers from across Canada and they are making their way through the Trent Severn Waterway this summer. Their trip starts in Port Severn; 240 km and 24 locks, 2 Lift Locks and a Big Chute later, on August 5th they will arrive in Peterborough, home of the new Canadian Canoe Museum. The following day they will paddle to Rice Lake for a day of celebrations with the Hiawatha First Nation. To learn about the Voyageur Brigade please visit


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Photo Round Up - July 20th, 2023