100 Men Kawartha Lakes


The 100 Men are simply a mix of big-hearted guys connected by their love of the community. They like the idea of their money being matched by others to make a bigger impact. They like simple and effortless, not to mention hanging out for one hour every three months with some great guys that live in Kawartha Lakes.    


As a member, you commit to donating $102 per meeting, with 4 meetings held annually on the first Thursday of March, June, September, and December—each lasting just 1 hour. If you're unable to attend, no worries—you can still participate by submitting a proxy vote!

Many members love that they can be part of the group's collective giving, even if they can’t attend every meeting.

We’ve partnered with the Kawartha Lakes Community Foundation to manage donations, making tax receipt distribution easier for our charities. Members can donate conveniently via e-transfer, credit card, cheque, or cash—and you can even donate for the entire year at once!

Each member can nominate a local registered Kawartha Lakes charity for consideration. Before each meeting, three charities will be randomly selected to make a 5-minute presentation to the group.

Afterward, members will vote for one of the three. The charity with the most votes will receive the bulk of our donations. Exciting update: the other two charities will now receive $1,000 each as well! Currently, the primary charity receives $13,000+ while the runners-up receive $1,000 each.

Our membership is unlimited, and we’re thrilled to have 152 members and counting!


We get it—life is busy, and time is one of our most limited resources. Unlike other charities, we focus on making a big impact with just a small commitment of your time.

By contributing just $102 per meeting, you can help turn that into over $15,000—four times a year! All it takes is four one-hour meetings, or simply send in a proxy vote if you can't attend. The only commitment you must make is $102 for each of those four meetings. 

If you're interested in joining a remarkable group of local men, drop us a line at info@100menkawarthalakes.ca or visit www.100menkawarthalakes.ca to let us know that you’re in! 

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook to stay updated!


Positive West Nile Virus Case Detected in the City of Kawartha Lakes


Summer At The Tourism Office