Free Meditation at curious? starting February 4th

Submitted by Anne Kulmala

With the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often find ourselves overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. Focusing on jobs, money, people, children, and all manner of outside challenges, we leave our inner self to take a back seat to external pressures. All challenges feel bigger and heavier when our inner strength is low. Meditation can be a key component in strengthening our inner self. Time spent quietly connecting to our true selves allows us to refocus, clarify our purpose and re-energize our body, mind, and spirit.

If you’re like me and get caught up in the day to day or have trouble quieting your mind, finding a safe comfortable space and a designated time can give us the incentive to make time.

Starting Tuesday, February 4th curious? will be offering a meditation evening beginning at 6:30 pm. Join us for a guided meditation with Carson Keeler. The meditation will be suited to beginners and newcomers as well as those who experience meditation regularly.

Many of you may know Carson as a friendly, always helpful and knowledgeable face at Country Cupboard health food store. He has kindly offered to guide these meditation evenings and we are thrilled to welcome him to curious?. Please join the meditation and enjoy a tea or coffee afterwards. This event is by donation and everyone is welcome. We have chairs and benches but you are welcome to bring a cushion or mat if it will make you more comfortable. Doors will be closed once the meditation begins to avoid disturbing the silence. We look forward to seeing you.


Upcoming Workshops at Barn and Bunkie


Photo Round Up - January 30