Back to Basics

Submitted by Marina Hodson

How many times have you heard the phrase “unprecedented times” over the past eight months? Well, you are about to hear it again.

For most of my adult life, I have done things that I assumed to be common in most homes. I cook, bake bread, can, preserve, and pressure cook; I know how to sew, knit, crochet and cross-stitch. Don’t ask me how I learned these skills, but I just thought we all picked them up along the way. As I got older and spoke to others, I came to realize that these were often considered antiquated and uncommon hobbies and skills – until now, that is!

This year, like many, I went out to restock some of my mason jars. Like bottles for homemade wine, they are one of those things that slowly disappear as you share with friends and family. What a shock when I was unable to buy them in most stores. Never, in all of my years preserving, was I unable to purchase whatever size and configuration of jar I required. 

Next, I decided to purchase a new bread maker. Yes, I know many of us took up baking in the spring as illustrated by the frequent shortages of flour and yeast; but little did I know that this new found interest had extended to the level where I was unable to order my choice of bread maker.

So as promised…. What “unprecedented times” we are in, when I am unable to secure mason jars or a basic bread maker, even online. Whilst a bit of a temporary annoyance to me, both items have now been sourced, and I did feel more than a little vindicated that so many of us have returned to the basic skills I have always touted as beneficial and personally appreciated.

I think there is a lot to be said for going back to basics and re-visiting some of the skills we all knew not so long ago. I can’t help but think we will be better for it, both physically and emotionally. 

So, stop to smell the bread baking.


Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT

Marina Hodson,

Executive Director


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