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Vaccination FAQ
Submitted by Marina Hodson. Are you as confused as I am about when to get a vaccine, which one to choose and how to get your appointment? Well, I hope the following helps shed some light on what is going on in the City of Kawartha Lakes and area.
Is It Over Yet?
Submitted by Marina Hodson. Whilst I personally love winter for its beauty, its silence and the winter activities, even I have to admit that as we approach March, I am yearning for some green. But don’t despair – you can enjoy the beauty of winter and the benefits of plants at the same time.
Family fun in the "Sun"?
Submitted by Marina Hodson. In 2008, Ontario adopted a Statutory Holiday on the third Monday of February known as Family Day to provide residents the time to spend a day with their loved ones. This idea originated in Alberta in 1990 and has since been adopted by many of the Provinces, although not always under that same name.
Do you know where your Vitamin D comes from?
Living in Canada, the shorter colder days and lack of sunshine mean that you are likely to be Vitamin D deficient this time of year, so keeping track of your intake is vital and right now, Vitamin D is proving more important than ever. Deficiencies have been linked to poor sleep, pain, muscle weakness and depression. Additionally, Vitamin D is linked to preventing skeletal issues such as rickets, improved immune function and cardiovascular health and while evidence remains spotty, there have also been preliminary studies linking it to improved outcomes related to acute respiratory issues, including COVID-19.
Déjà Vu
Submission by Marina Hodson at Kawartha North FHT
Here we go again…. Déjà Vu is a feeling that you have experienced something before and literally translated means “already seen”. Personally, when the current lockdown was announced in December, I had more than a little bit of a feeling of Déjà Vu and I imagine I was not alone.
Happy Holidays?
Submitted by Marina Hodson
Certainly, whilst the Christmas season brings many joyful times, it can also be riddled with stressors and anxiety but never more so than this year. So how will you be celebrating the Holidays? While we may not be able to participate in the usual gatherings, this should definitely not mean turning into the Grinch. In fact, why not take this opportunity to start some new holiday traditions?
Back to Basics
Submitted by Marina Hodson
How many times have you heard the phrase “unprecedented times” over the past eight months? Well, you are about to hear it again. For most of my adult life, I have done things that I assumed to be common in most homes. I cook, bake bread, can, preserve and pressure cook; I know how to sew, knit, crochet and cross-stitch. Don’t ask me how I learned these skills, but I just thought we all picked them up along the way. As I got older and spoke to others, I came to realize that these were often considered antiquated and uncommon hobbies and skills – until now that is!
Giving Thanks
Submitted by Marina Hodson
As another Thanksgiving has come to a close, what is that you were thankful for? For many of us, this year may challenge us to find the things to celebrate, but there is always something to be thankful for if we take the time and effort to actually think about it. Appreciation can be as simple as “thank goodness I am finally out of turkey sandwiches” or as profound as “I am blessed to have wonderful people in my life”. Any amount of gratitude has been shown to have direct benefits to our physical and mental health, improve our sleep and self-esteem and overall improve our relationships. So try to get into the habit of focusing on at least one thing you are grateful for each and every day and here is one of mine to give you food for thought.
Be Proud of Your Age
Submitted by Marina Hodson
Regardless of how old you are, take today to celebrate National Seniors’ Day. To those of you over 65, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your contributions. You laid the foundation to build the country we enjoy today, and we appreciate it!
Back to School?
Submission by Marina Hodson
While this is not the first September when I have looked at what back to school may mean to you, this year is unlike any other – if only I could get a dime for every time I have said that phrase since March, I could be rich. It seems unbelievable to think that part of our children’s’ supply list should contain hand sanitizer and face masks, and yet, here we are. So while times are new to all of us, there are some basic guidelines to protect your children and family and hopefully help you make the school year as stress-free as possible, given the circumstances.
An Update on How to Keep Yourselves Safe
Submitted by Marina Hodson
At this point, I think we are all becoming familiar with our “new normal,” but as we face flu season as well as re-opening schools, it seemed worthwhile to provide an update on how to keep yourselves safe and how to access healthcare in your communities when you do need to.
Sleepless in Kawartha...
Submitted by Marina Hodson
As if COVID-19 has not wreaked enough havoc with our mental and physical health, it may also be impacting our sleep! I have personally never been one to suffer from insomnia, however, the combination of added stress and disrupted routine appears to have taken a toll on our sleep. It really should not come as a surprise to any of us; after all, lacking routine, working from home and setting our own schedules may tempt us into staying up late for some additional screen time or taking that mid-afternoon nap. Obviously that alone can disrupt our sleep patterns sufficiently, but then add the extra stress and anxiety about our health, money or loved ones and it is little wonder that sleep neurologists have coined the term COVID-somnia.
What time is it?
Submitted by Marina Hodson
I have long ago stopped being able to tell you what day it is without seriously thinking, let alone what time. Apparently, I’m not the only one. Aristotle said that “time is the measure of change” and as one day melds into the next, nothing seems to change. Anthropologist Felix Ringel studies how humans relate to time, particularly during crises and COVID has apparently impacted more than just our daily interactions with each other; it has also changed how we perceive time. This is caused, at least in part, by our feeling of being stuck without being able to plan for the future. As humans, we have an innate need to know what comes next, and without this we feel out of control, but also lose our connection to time.
Summer Fun In The Sun
Submitted by Marina Hodson
As we continue to re-open for summer activities and recognizing the great weather we have been having, it seemed appropriate to put out a quick reminder about some of the precautions we should all remember. After all, summer is a fun time that can be packed with activities but it is also a time to be wary of long-lasting health impacts, so before you head for the beach, the park or even the back-yard, Health Canada recommends you take a few minutes to learn about sun safety.
The New Normal?
Submitted by Marina Hodson
Month four and while the seasons move on, life feels a bit like it’s at a standstill. That being said, tomorrow the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Health Unit, along with many others, will be moving into Phase II of the reopening. So whilst we are all looking forward to a haircut, what does this really mean??
Finding Happiness in Difficult Times...
Submitted by Marina Hodson
As we head into that all-important and significant May long weekend whilst facing week ten of a pandemic, how are you reconciling the two?
While the weather may belie the season, my gardens are telling me that summer is just around the corner; in fact my daylilies would be at an impressive height despite the recent snow had they not been taste-tested by the deer. So as we continue to practice social distancing and other precautions to protect others, we must also take care of our mental wellbeing and practice self-care. Think of the last time you flew on an airplane and listened to the safety instructions; in case of emergency, secure your own oxygen mask first to be able to assist others who may need it.
The Silver Lining
Submitted by Marina Hodson
Whilst these certainly continue to be difficult times for us all, I would like to take my own advice and practice some brief moments of gratitude, so let’s look at some of the silver linings.
What Are You Missing?
Submitted by Marina Hodson
As I talk with friends and family, remotely of course, it is interesting to hear what it is people miss the most during these strange times. Of course, I often hear they “miss personal contact, visiting grandchildren, going to the office”, all of which are expected. What I find more interesting are the small things people miss and the most intriguing are the things they never thought they would miss!
Staying Connected in Difficult Times
Submitted by Marina Hodson
Well, we are three weeks into the current measures and, speaking personally, every day continues to feel new and strange. I hope that whilst you continue to practice physical social-distancing to reduce the spread, you are able to remain in contact with loved ones and take this opportunity to reach out to someone who may need someone to check on them. We may not be able to go visit, but that certainly does not mean that we should not practice random acts of kindness or reach out to those who are struggling during this difficult time.
Enjoying Winter?
Submitted by Marina Hodson
Regardless of whether you like winter or not, most of us agree that by the middle of February, spring would be welcomed. In fact, while January is considered the most depressing month of the year, I think it is not difficult to argue that February may be a close second. Snow has often lost its appeal, both literally and figuratively and no one is looking forward to another shortened gray day. The only welcome interruption prior to 2008 may have been Valentine’s Day, and that is, of course, dependent on having a special person or persons to share it with. So I for one welcome Family Day, not only as a day off but as a much-needed reminder of the beauty to be found and experienced in our wonderful and vast Province.