Happy Holidays?

Submitted by Marina Hodson

Certainly, whilst the Christmas season brings many joyful times, it can also be riddled with stressors and anxiety but never more so than this year.

So how will you be celebrating the Holidays?  While we may not be able to participate in the usual gatherings, this should definitely not mean turning into the Grinch.  In fact, why not take this opportunity to start some new holiday traditions?

Rather than having an open house or other indoor gathering, why not enjoy the beautiful outdoors?  Consider having a bonfire and offering hot drinks to your guests or create craft stations outside to make wreaths or other messy items you would not usually consider.  Not only will you save on the cleanup time inside, but you might just find you will start a new annual holiday activity.

Does your home enjoy a favourite Christmas movie that you share with friends and family each year?  Try something new and have an outdoor screening.  Have guests bring lawn chairs and blankets as well as their favourite snack or create your own private “drive in” where each family watches the same movie on their laptop or device in the car at the same time.  Be creative and look at it as an opportunity to try something completely new and different. 

Of course with some adjustments, you can also still enjoy the time-honoured favourites.  Have a traditional meal with the people in your household, but rather than inviting friends and neighbours, why not make Christmas themed “doggie bags” to share with them?  And better yet, share with those who might be less fortunate than us, after all, isn’t that what the season is truly all about?

So please have a safe and happy holiday season.

Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT


Santa and the Santa Day Committee say Thank You!


A Note from our Early Bird Prize Winner