Passing the Torch

Three years ago, Dana Deathe, also known as The Book Lady, took on the role of Editor and Chief of the Town Crier. Many of you who read the Town Crier and send in your submissions are probably very familiar with her and recognize the time, effort, and wonderful job she has done with it. Dana has continued to create a space for tourists, and locals alike to share their stores, experiences, and love for Fenelon Falls. As we move into a new year, the torch is being passed on. New year, new Chief!


My name is Emily and I currently own The Cow and Sow Eatery along with my mom. I have grown up my entire life visiting my Grandparents, and now my parents home, on Cameron Lake. Our family has always had a strong passion and love for the town of Fenelon Falls, and that has only grown since being a permanent resident and member of the business community. I am super excited about taking on the role of overseeing the Town Crier. Dana has set the bar high and I will do my absolute best to fill her shoes. My goal is to showcase all that Fenelon has to offer, from tourist destinations, stories of multiple generations living in our village, to business promotions, and everything else in between. I cannot wait to continue to grow and progress the Town Crier’s content and audience, with the end goal being that Fenelon is the must visit destination for all.


A Note from Dana:

“It was my pleasure to oversee the Town Crier newsletter for the past three years - what a great way to get integrated with the community! I’m proud of the growth and updates to the newsletter, and I look forward to seeing it continue to reach a wider audience and evolve as Fenelon’s community grows after a different year for our normally seasonal population. I’m happy to be leaving the newsletter in good hands with Emily Forbes of The Cow and Sow, and I know she will keep her finger on the pulse of community news and keep the Town Crier fresh and fun to see in your email inbox each week.

-Dana Geyer, aka The Book Lady”


Photo Round Up - January 7th, 2020


Staycation in Fenelon Falls