The Dreams We Have: Films about daring to dream of a different future

Written by Sylvia Keesmaat

As the days get longer and our thoughts turn towards spring, St. James Anglican Church is once again offering a film series during the five weeks leading up to Easter. This year’s theme, “The Dreams We Have: Films about daring to dream of a different future,” explores the many ways that our own dreams, and the dreams of the people around us, can challenge us, reveal who we really are, and create outcomes that we had never dreamed of.

A short discussion of the film’s themes follows the screening each evening. The discussion will be facilitated by Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmaat, who have chosen a mix of well-known and lesser-known films, and a diversity of cultural settings. Join us for as many films as you wish. There is no charge. Refreshments will be served. All films begin at 7pm.

Thurs. March 5: Wild Rose (U.K. 2019- Comedy / Drama / Musical) A young Glaswegian woman, recently released from prison, dreams of becoming a country and western star.

Thurs. March 12: Lion (U.S., 2016 -Biography / Drama) Accidentally transported from his village as a child, and eventually adopted by an Australian family, a young man dreams of finding the family he lost as a child.

Thurs. March 19: Kuessipan (Canada, 2019, Drama) Two Innu friends struggle when their dreams result in very different paths. Who decides which dreams should be pursued or not?

Thurs. March 26: The Good Lie (South Africa, 2015, Biography / Drama) Three Sudanese refugees, one employment counsellor, and the way that some people’s dreams can change the dreams of others.

Thurs. April 2:The Peanut Butter Falcon (U.S. 2019 -Adventure/Comedy/Drama) A young man with Down Syndrome breaks out of a residential facility to pursue his dream of becoming a wrestler, resulting in an unexpected road-trip with newfound friends.


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