What Are You Missing?

Submitted by Marina Hodson

As I talk with friends and family, remotely of course, it is interesting to hear what it is people miss the most during these strange times. Of course, I often hear they “miss personal contact, visiting grandchildren, going to the office,” all of which are expected. What I find more interesting are the small things people miss, and the things they never thought they would miss!

A friend who lives in a city condo noted that he misses the sounds. He cannot go out easily as his area is very crowded and whilst he is extremely connected through technology, he commented that he misses sounds - birds, background noise, even the traffic. To each their own, I can’t imagine ever missing traffic.

Personally, I have come to miss my Saturday morning chores, who would have thought? My routine has been to go to the dump as we don’t have garbage pickup, go to the grocery store and then have a poke around Canadian Tire. Fairly mundane at best and downright annoying during a busy week, and yet, it’s what I miss the most.

One friend, who is extremely sociable with more activities in a week than I have in a year, misses going out for breakfast but has not missed the social interactions; while another who never socializes commented she misses interacting with people. I guess the old adages are true – “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” and we “don’t know what we have until it’s gone”.

So while it may be a challenge, take a moment to reflect on what it is you miss most and remember to truly appreciate those moments when you are once again able to participate in them, even if they are mundane. And until that time comes, try to reflect on something you continue to be grateful for each and every day. Practicing gratitude allows us to shift our perspective and has positive impacts on both our mood and mental health.

So take care and try to count your blessings, even if they may be hard to see right now.

Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT


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