An Update from Jardine Funeral Home & Cremation Centre

Submitted by Monica Bertrand-Jardine

As most are aware, funeral homes and their staff are essentials workers facing the current pandemic and the fight again Covid-19. We have watched as our neighbours in Bobcaygeon face this on an almost daily basis for the last three weeks. We pray for all funeral professionals and their staff on the frontlines caring for our recently deceased. 

Rob and I, along with Julie Knox and Robert Blane, are currently working diligently to prepare and be ready in the event that our community starts to show signs of an outbreak. As with everything you read and see online, continue to be diligent with your hand washing, social isolation and distancing. 

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) and the Ontario Funeral Service Association (OFSA) have been keeping us apprised of developments and new procedures through almost daily updates and webinars. Currently, the doors to our building are locked; we do so to limit the potential spread but also to protect our family. We are available to speak to as always, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - that goes unchanged. 

Here is what has changed:

Currently we are directed by the BAO that no more than two people can attend an arrangement conference in order to make decisions and sign the necessary paperwork. If at all possible we are asking if families are comfortable with making arrangements online to do so through our Virtual Selection Room ( and using email for sending and signing paperwork which eliminates the need to meet face to face. We do have Facetime on our cellular phones and can also set up a Zoom meeting for easy ways to chat face to face.  

Whether the decision is cremation or burial for your loved one, arrangements for either need to occur as soon after death as possible and not to hold off on plans regardless if the deceased died of Covid-19 or not. For those families who wish to have a private family service with a limited number of people in attendance, we can do so at our facility. We are limited to 10 people or less; with the emphasis on the message 'less is better'. We are regulated to keep 2 meters or 6 feet apart when we are in our facility. Cloth face masks will be provided as well as gloves.  

The wonderful thing about technology is that we can share our ceremonies with our community through Facebook Live. Be sure to like our Facebook page  ( so that if we do go live you can share your condolences during the service and we can grieve together. 

Prior to our new way of life, Rob and I had been working diligently on creating an enhanced website ( ) and ways for consumers like you to get answers right from the comfort of your home. Our Virtual Selection Room (VSR) is categorized into Cremation and Burial options. You can 'click and shop' to obtain estimates for our services and supplies. Only when you want to purchase or pre-arrange will you be prompted to provide your name and email address. Rob and I will then be able to see what is in your shopping cart so that we may begin discussions. If you have any questions about our VSR, website, or how Covid-19 can affect your family during a death, please reach out to us.

Keep safe and much love,



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