If COVID has you going stir crazy, check out this little gem on Sturgeon Lake

Submitted by Christa LeCraw

One of the first activities to reopen in the wake of our collective lockdown was golf, because it’s a sport perfectly suited for the times in which we find ourselves. You can play alone, with your partner or in a physically distanced group of friends. You can play for the first time, or as a weekly ritual. You can play with your kids, grandkids, parents, or grandparents. In these uncertain times, golf might just be the thing to get you back into the swing of summer.

Sturgeon Point Golf Club is a historic 9-hole golf course on the shores of Sturgeon Lake and it is an idyllic getaway from the stresses of pandemic life. Most days you’ll find Mike Gascho in the Pro Shop. He’s a Class A Professional with the PGA of Canada and the best golf coach around. The fact that this little course has the best golf pro in Kawartha Lakes is no accident. This club has a way of getting its hooks into you. It’s adorably quaint, steeped in a rich history. It’s welcoming and accessible, easy to play for all levels. And thanks to the dedication of its members and friends, it is wonderfully lush with a brand new irrigation system keeping the course in beautiful, green condition.

As restrictions are being relaxed this weekend, the club’s lakeside breezeway will be opening. It will be furnished with a collection of Muskoka chairs that were donated to the club by members of the community… they are the perfect spot for a cold beer after 9 holes. Did I forget to mention that golf is best served with a cold one?

This pandemic has thrown us all for a loop, and this summer will be different in so many ways. But for golfers, one thing that will be calming and familiar is the satisfying wack of a great shot. If you’re not ready for a full round, try hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range to get a feel for the game. 

If you haven’t given golf a try, this might be the perfect time to get out on the links and give it a go. You can find Sturgeon Point Golf Club at the end of Gray Road in Sturgeon Point. Read more about the club and book your tee time at www.sturgeonpointgolf.com.


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